Sonntag, 29. Januar 2012

Passion.. in every way...

If there is passion, there is life... and if there is life, there is love... for the 15th anniversary of my beloved friends & my so-called family 


I did a bunch of A-GoGo's.
The Passion they have is an inspiration in many many ways. Friends since almost 20 years, Bandmembers since about 15 years and bro's forever!! The friendship and love they have and give is something special I haven't seen a lot. What can I say.... I'm blessed, lucky, thankful and HELLYEAH SO FKING HAPPY to have you guys in my life!!! 
I love you!! 

Caramel A-GoGo's
sweet Caramelcream with 
little pieces of Caramelcandy

Coconut A-GoGo's
with dark bitter 
chocolate on the inside...
a bittersweet dream.....

The PASSION of Music and baking... 
lovely cakeguitar
Coconut & Caramel A-GoGo
and a *yummie* Chocolate-Brownie 
with some Deco-Icing...

Lemone Chocolate Guitar 
with theme Brownies and Icing

 The Recipe; 
Passion for Music, 
Passion for baking, 
Passion to eat, 
mix it all with a lot of different personalities, 
cool it down with some beer, 
put some fun in , 
shake it and there you have 


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