Sonntag, 21. Oktober 2012

Hello World I'm a Muffin!

I am so in LOVE with everything about Muffins, Cupcakes, Cookies... I have such a lot of sorts and still try to find out new recepies as much as I can... To bake make me smile and happy and I love to see that people like to eat them too...! To tell it in the words of Oscar Wilde:

"Le seul moyen de se délivrer d'une tentation, c'est d'y céder"

Sweet Chocolat Sunday.... you know these boring sundays...? It's cold... it's foggy... it's.... BAKING TIME!!!

Nothing beats depression faster and better than a sweet Muffin <3

...a little crispy, a little creamy inside... and the best to taste, a few minutes after baking...

my whole appartement smells like chocolat Muffins... I <3 it!
*fatbuthappy* ;-)

Valentine yummies

Just did a bunch of some sweet Valentine *yummies* for my friends....







Being my friend is cool I guess!!! *lol*